Spraying ArmorThane to create a leakproof barrier
Building secondary containment pits with ArmorThane to prevent leaking
Leak-proof containment using ArmorThane to create a protective seal
Tough, leakproof EnviroThane polyurea from ArmorThane
Oil tank coated with ArmorThane with a stricker plate that is 1in thick
Portable tubs for oil fields sealed with ArmorThane
blue water tower under cloudy skies
Leak proof, color coat primary containment systems and pipes with ArmorThane Coatings
Secondary containment ArmorThane and geotextile combo
Secondary containment ArmorThane and geotextile combo
Secondary containment ArmorThane and geotextile combo
Secondary containment ArmorThane and geotextile combo
Secondary containment berm built with ArmorThane sprayed on geotextile material
Tank containment coatings
Waterproof fountain, pond and pool coatings